MACRA or Quality Payment Program (QPP) Consulting Services

As healthcare providers got used to the requirements of PQRS and Meaningful Use, here comes MACRA!

MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act) is a new quality program from CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) designed to move healthcare for Medicare patients from volume to value through new weights and measures.

Many of the healthcare facilities are unaware of the new rules and a lack of knowledge in this regard can mean medical practices are more likely to be impacted with the negative payments. Finding the composite score of your organization’s weights and measures can be quite complex, so having a vendor partner who can compute what the impact will be for your healthcare facility can be greatly beneficial.

Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

Eligible providers under MIPS will see Medicare payment adjustments ranging from 4% to 9% (negative or positive).

Alternative Payment Models (APMs)

Eligible providers participating in an APM receive a payment adjustments or incentive based on the specific APM program requirements.

The following provider types are eligible to participate in the QPP:

How ZI helps to Prepare for MACRA

Request for Services

Tell us a bit about your need to enhance your revenue cycle performance, write to us will connect with you soon.
